Just Ask book cover


It was a pleasure to present for you at the recent New York Public Library Career Webinar, thank you so much for the feedback and messages I have received so far. I hope that you found my presentation helpful and motivating.

As promised, here are a few additional resources to support your journey going forward.

Here are the poll results from our conversation. 

You can download a ‘Vulnerability Wheel’ here to help assess where you need to focus going forward to better allow you to benefit from the support of your network.

The tips book on mastermind groups I mentioned can be downloaded here –  Mastermind Groups – Lopata.

Finally, here’s the opening of my new book ‘Just Ask’ and you can purchase your copy here.

While you’re here, please feel free to look around the site and check on the various resources available to support you in developing your professional relationships. Scroll to the foot of the Home Page to subscribe to my three-weekly e-zine, including the A-Z of Mentoring, Masterminding and Asking for Help.

And, of course, if I can help you or your team, please do reach out and Just Ask.