It was a pleasure to meet you and present to you during our focus on ‘The Power of Professional Relationships’. I hope you found the session valuable.
I promised you some additional resources to follow up the presentation. Please find these below.
You can download my slides here.
If you would like to explore how effective your current approaches to professional relationships are, you can take a Professional Relationships Assessment here. It takes most people five to ten minutes to complete.
Please also check out The Connected Leadership Podcast.
My books can all be found here.
I hope that you enjoy these resources and find them useful. If you have any questions on anything we didn’t cover during the session, please do not hesitate to reach out. My email address is and you can find me on LinkedIn here. Please just mention that you were at this session.
Please also look through this site while you’re here for a host of resources to support you with your professional relationships. And we will let you know when there are further resources on this page to support you in your journey from here.
Best wishes,