25 Lessons – Lesson 25: Lead From Among, Not From Above

Whether you hold a leadership role in your job or community, are considered a thought leader, or simply want to inspire others, do so in an inclusive way.

Great leaders aren’t know-it-alls. Leadership isn’t about coming up with all the answers. It’s about using the vast wealth of expertise, experience, perspective, and insights around you to curate a way forward.

Great leaders aren’t invulnerable. They simply surround themselves with people who can lift them up when needed and hold them in place when things get tough. To enable those around them to play that key role, they share openly and vulnerably when necessary, role modelling an authentic approach for others.

Great leaders aren’t judgmental. Instead, they create a trusted and safe environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing, exploring, and learning from mistakes and different approaches to challenges.

Leaders don’t stand apart from those they lead. Instead they are fully connected to them and lead from among, the first among equals.