How NOT to Get Referrals


A 14 page pocket guide to summarise the key points from the presentation 'How Not to Get Referrals'. Captures the key points of the presentation in an easy to digest and keep tips booklet.

Ordered in bulk, these booklets can be tailored to include your organisation or event logo and an introduction from your Chief Executive.

What do you get?

Referrals provide by far the most effective means of generating new business. Many businesses however, lack a focus and a strategy that works and the discipline to keep it in place.

We will cover:

  1.  A referral strategy….Why?

  2.  Know your prospect

  3.  What is a referral?

  4.  Trust, Understanding, Opportunity

  5.  Who is in your network?

  6.  Do your homework

  7.  A sticky message

  8.  Inspire to refer!

  9.  The Referral Book©