An Introduction to Networking – Online Learning Programme


The ultimate course on how to network effectively in business.

Includes: videos, articles and exercises on key areas of implementing a networking strategy.

What do you get?

  • A clear idea of what networking really should be about
  • How you can develop an approach to your networking that will guarantee a return on your investment
  • How to develop the correct message to ensure support and quality referrals
  • How to choose the right networks and networking events
  • How to become a confident, effective networker

What we will cover:

1. An Introduction to Networking
2. Who is in Your Network?
3. Building Relationships
4. Networking to Become Better Known
5. Networking to Become Better Equipped
6. How Can Your Network Support You?
7. Networking to Become Better Equipped
8. Conferences, Networking Events and Online Support
9. Networking to Become Better Connected
10. Finding the Right Networks for You
11. Your Personal Networking Plan