Can Your Wardrobe Impact Your Ability to Connect With People? With Liana Chaouli world renowned lecturer and image therapist.Episode 63

In a fascinating interview with Liana Chaouli, Andy Lopata explores the domain of image therapy. Liana believes most people wear clothing as armour when it should be a frame reflecting who we are. She believes we react to expectations, conforming to what we believe society wants and leaving no room for individuality, inner beauty and authenticity.

Clothing should be a tool, bringing out the essence of a person and making them comfortable with themselves. Feeling good about yourself makes it easier to engage and connect with other people. By admitting our vulnerability we can let go of the armour.

Professional Relationships and Favourite Resources with Liana Chaouli world renowned lecturer and image therapist.Episode 64

Continuing their conversation, Andy Lopata and Liana Chaouli discuss the professional relationships that have supported her on her journey and some of the resources she has enjoyed and recommends. Their conversation also touches on self-esteem, humanity, vulnerabilty and the importance of being prepared to admit your own mistakes and take responsibility for them.

Liana tells the story of the trust and opportunity given by Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul) early in her career that changed the path of her work. She believes there is no boundary between professional and personal relationships and talks about the importance of the influence of relatives and friends. Relationships can go wrong through the lack of communication, the use of words.

Liana talks about leadership, sharing wounds and the need to acknowledge and take responsibility for your own mistakes. Among the resources she shares is the challenge to learn from exploring different perspectives.

Image therapy



Professional relationships


“I have never ascribed to the fact that I take my humanity out and leave it at the door when I walk into a Board Room”


‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ by Jack Canfield

‘The Dark Side of the Light Chasers’ by Debbie Ford