Sculture on Congress House, London. The strong helping the weak.

It was a pleasure to meet you during my recent presentation on ‘Meaningful Mentoring’ at PM Forum at Congress House. I hope you found the session valuable.

I promised to answer your questions following my session and I’d also like to share some additional resources.

Included on this page are:

– Responses to eight questions asked during my talk

– A link to a recording of the presentation

– A short mentoring assessment

– One page guides on being an effective mentor and effective mentee

– The link to National Mentoring Day

– The recent article published in PM Forum Magazine.


You can view my answers to your questions below. The questions were:

  1. How do you find the right mentor for you? Do they need to have similar career paths? Or in similar industries?
  2. Do you think that mentoring works if it’s just on an ad hoc situational basis? Or do you think structured mentoring sessions are needed for it to work?
  3. Have you been involved in or heard of the PMF/MPF Mentor Match? What do you think of it? Should we encourage more to get involved?
  4. I attended state school and was the first person in my family to work in a ‘white collar’ job. Our dinner discussions and network are different to my peers. How do you suggest finding an appropriate mentor?
  5. Can it/should it be a paid relationship?
  6. What tensions are you seeing between different generations and where does the responsibility sit to fix it/set the standards?
  7. What benefit would you get from being mentored by someone junior to you?
  8. Is there ever a conflict for a mentor? Do they have to not be a client/customer etc?

If you missed the presentation or would just like a reminder, you can listen back to it here. If you prefer to listen on the move, it should be released on The Connected Leadership Podcast shortly.

You can take a short Mentoring Assessment here. It should take just under five minutes and you can assess the quality of your mentoring relationships, whether you are a mentor or mentee.

For a one-page guide to being an effective mentee click here.

For a one-page guide to being an effective mentor click here.

I mentioned National Mentoring Day on October 27th. Their website, with all of the information you need, can be found here. 

The Financial Times Guide to Mentoring will be published in March or April 2024 and be available from all usual outlets. There is an extract of the unedited text in the latest issue of PM Forum Magazine, which you can also read here.

If you would like to explore my current books, my podcast or other resources, please feel free to visit my LinkTree page. You can also subscribe to my monthly newsletter on the Home Page of this website.