It might sometimes seem challenging to build your network of professional relationships but if you're able-bodied it's probably a lot easier than you think compared to others.
Are you planning to hit the ground running when things return to normal after the Covid19 Lockdown? Think again.
At the beginning of the Covid19 Lockdown, should we back off and stop selling to our clients and prospects?
C is for... Confidential People find it hard enough to ask for help and be truly vulnerable. If they are to do so, and reveal enough of themselves to enable people to effectively support them, they need to be able to trust that what they share will remain confidential. Mastermind groups should operate under another 'C', Chatham House Rule, otherwise loosely known as 'what goes in Vegas stays in Vegas'! In fact all such exchanges should assume confidentiality unless stated otherwise.
With Covid-19 causing huge uncertainty in business, how can business owners of all sizes best respond to the sudden impact to all of their plans?
C is for... Courage Being courageous will ensure that you maximise the support on offer to you. There are so many ways that fear can impact our ability to ask for help - we are frightened of being judged, of looking bad, of letting our guard down and of being let down. So make sure that you surround yourselves with people you can trust and have the courage to take risks. Measure those risks of course and be thoughtful in the way you do so, but don't let fear stand in your way.