It was a pleasure to present to you again, this time looking at how you can develop relationships more effectively using LinkedIn. I hope you found the session valuable.

I promised you some additional resources to follow up on the presentation. Please find these below.

You can download the key slides from my talk and the poll results here.

You can also access:

Seven Day Guide to Getting Started on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Infographic Series 1 – Profile.pdf

LinkedIn Infographic Series 2 – Connections

LinkedIn Infographic Series 3 – Engage

LinkedIn Infographic Series 4 – Post

LinkedIn Infographic Series 5 – Individual Relationships

LinkedIn Infographic Series 6 – Referrals


How to use Boolean Search 

The ‘secret’ link that will allow you to reply to connection requests before accepting.


Further Reading and Listening

The resources I would recommend the most for you to build on our conversation would be:


Recommended: How to Sell Through Networking and Referrals

Connected Leadership

Just Ask

…and Death Came Third!


The Connected Leadership Podcast


I hope that you enjoy these resources and find them useful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. My email address is  Please also look through this site while you’re here for a host of resources to support you with your professional relationships and sign up for my monthly e-zine on the home page.

Best wishes,
